June 6, 2016
Rambo Blunt & Real
Rambo Blunt Real get together to shake this summer with this amazing tune! I mean, the 1st time asap i pressed play, i heard that the song is going to be here for a long time! All of the elements , the music, the lyrics and the video are top noch and really fitting together. The lyrics are a direct “point a finger” towards the “new singers” that would do almost everything just for their shot on the mainstream, it is perfectly mirrored on the video in the gypsy hood! Lets not waste too much time and enjoy it as i am enjoying it! RAMBO by Blunt & Real.
P.S. Press watch it on youtube since i think they blocked embedding.
Rambo Blunt Real bohen bashk me dridhe veren me kit kong shum tchart! Seriozisht, si e kom prek play heren e pare, e niva qe kjo kong ka mu kon knej per ni kohe shume te gjate! Krejt elementet, muzika, teksti edhe videoja jon shume tcharta! Teksti osht si direkt “me bo me gisht” kah do “kengtare te reja” te cilat gati se gjithcka kishin bo veq me “dhez” ne estrade, perfekt osht e dhe e reflektume kjo pun nspot me mahallen e romve! Mos hupni kohe kqyrne edhe knaquni! RAMBO prej Blunt & Real.