New FuGaA News


New FuGaA News, what to say first, what to say?!!? Lots of new news!
First of all, as you can see I have updated my website with a new design, since i want to make it more dynamic, add my portfolio of projects that i have done and participated, also as you can see ITS A BLOG!!!! So that means I’m going to blog the sh** out of it! I mean like totally, creative stuff i do, games i play , music i make, food that i cook, articles that i read, secrets on how i develop some extra digital work and lots of stuff!
Also i have amazing news that has to do with my artistic work…. yeah… that’s right! I made a new song! It’s like OH EM XHI, a project that i have been working on as a concept for like the last 2 years, and last month i finally decided to visit Florent Boshnjaku at his studio and i recorded the project! Just received the song and it sounds amazing! The good thing is that when i wrote it i also wrote the visual part, so I’m hoping to find sponsors ASAP and to finish the full project including the Music Video and the Launch as i imagined it! I will deff. Keep you updated with any updates regarding this project! Cheers! Fugzi over and out! I’m off to play some Overwatch then sleep! Totally addicted to that game its amazing!


Lajme te reja prej FuGaA, cka me thone ma perpara, cka me thone?!?! Plot lajme te reja!

Mas pari, qysh pe shihni edhe vet e kom update websajtin personal me ni dizajn te ri, masi qe po kom qef me bo ma dinamik sajtin, me shtu portfolion te projektee qe i kom bo edhe qe kom marr pjese ne to, edhe qysh pe shihni osht BLOGG!!! Kshtu qe kjo i bjen qe ko me ja q* ***** ty bllogirat gjithcka! Amo e kom nmen kshtu bash gjithcka, senet kreative qa i boj, lojat qe i luj, muziken, ushqimin e chart qe e maroj, artikujt qe i lexoj, edhe msheftsinat e trikat e punve digjitale qysh bohen ne internet edhe plot sene!

Plus i kom edhe do lajme kshtu extra qe kan tbojn me punen teme artistike…op… qashtu osht! E kom bo ni kong te re! edhe u dal bash OH EM XHIII, ni projekt qe jom kon ty punu ne to qe nja 2 vjet, edhe ma nfund mujin e kalum thash pe vizitoj Florent Boshnjakun ne studio edhe pe inqizoj! Sa e mora kongen edhe po nihet amazing! Seni i mir osht qe kur e kom shkrujt e kom shkrujt edhe anen vizuale te konges, kshtu qe po shpresoj qe nuk hupi shume kohe me i gjet sponzorat edhe meniher me realizu edhe spotin po edhe komplet kampanjen qysh e kom paramendu! Gjithsesi qe ko me ju majt updated me cka do qe boj update rreth ketij projektit!  Gzuar! Fugzi over and out! Ika me lujt pak Overwatch tani me flejt! Shum jom ngul nkit loje se pernime shume amazing!